Monday, December 1, 2008


1. What is a union?
- a group of people that work together to try and insure that there employers do not trample on there rights.
2. What is a strike?
-a strike is were a group of people refuse to work until they get what they want, it might be money, it might be better working conditions strikes are formed through unions.
3. What year did the unions/strikes in?
4. What were the bigger unions?
-National Union of Gasworkers, national union of mineworkers
5. What was the London Docker's Strike?
- In the summer of 1889 Tillett and his union became involved in a dispute over pay and conditions. The men who worked at the London Docks demanded four hours continuous work at a time and a minimum rate of sixpence an hour.
6. What was the Matchgirl's Strike?
- A strike against horrible pay, and working conditions of female workers.
7. What was the national unions of Mineworkers?
- this was formed in the 1830s after this was an increase in the demand for coal there were atempts on unions befor this time but they were unsucsessfull.
8. What was the national unions of Gasworkers?
- it was formed 1889 after a bunch of gas workers got laid off they made this union to protect them selves from getting fired.

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